When looking for nifty one-liners on the web that counts the number of non-blank or non commented lines in my code I ran in to CLOC. If you have a thing for working in the console, CLOC is a really nice tool for counting lines of code in a set of folders or archives. If Sonar is available and configured it is excellent but sometimes there might simply be easier to run things quickly and locally from a console, pick your favourite one-liner, tweak the sed OR just use CLOC.
Could not be easier
Download and put the executable in the path and run for a given folder,
$ cloc <the folder with my code/archive-file>
and you will get the output
http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.56 T=43.0 s (35.2 files/s, 7550.3 lines/s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language files blank comment code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XML 680 36091 5 149257 HTML 699 30773 5 79958 Java 106 3130 4904 16395 Javascript 18 430 190 2384 CSS 6 184 47 862 Python 1 6 5 30 Bourne Shell 2 2 0 4 DOS Batch 2 0 0 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUM: 1514 70616 5156 248893 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There are many, many flags (http://cloc.sourceforge.net/#Options) that can be used for filtering and tweaking the output, so from now on this is one of the must have tools on my machine.